Grants and Scholarships
- National Science Foundation, SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Broadening Diversity Track (2019-2020)
- PI: Ian Carrillo, Co–PI: David Pellow (Value: $148,000)
- PI: Ian Carrillo, Co–PI: David Pellow (Value: $148,000)
- Wisconsin-Mellon Dissertation Fellowship (2016)
- Fulbright IIE Fellowship (2015, Brazil)
- Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellowship (2011 & 2014, Portuguese/Brazil)
- Advanced Opportunity Fellowship (2010-2017)
- Ford Foundation Pre–Doctoral Fellowship (Honorable Mention – 2010)
- Rural Sociological Society, Early Career Award (honorable mention - 2018)
- Brent K. Marshall Paper Award, Environment and Technology Division, Society for the Study of Social Problems (2017)
- Student Paper Award, Sociology of Agriculture and Food Research Interest Group, Rural Sociological Society (2017)
- John H. Kolb Award for Outstanding Research in Community and Environmental Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2017)
- Joaquim Nabuco Award for best graduate student paper on Brazil, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2011)
Grants and Scholarships
- Rural Sociological Society Diversity Scholarship (2015–2018)
- Society for the Study of Social Problems Travel Scholarship (2015)